i did fight a friend but i did block her for 2 reason.
- desgin about Normal/Demon(about NovaEXE)
- she think i did draw lilo stuff cause my oc is older with height of 3'2 e-e so a character sonic name "tunderbot" she have short height and she 23, wtf.
i mean americans are really fast to call people that for no reason.
in europan to me don't call that what type of size as adult we can have some love, is not a pedophile to use.
(but respect the ages please)
and no matter about: Height have never been important in love.
so i think people did already adusive about this problem from between "Fancharacter and Real life" people didn't be careful with that.
it's very funny to see how people get confuse and didn't notice it that situation before judge.
case and point about her size, age and info